1. Στο τετράδιο Ορθογραφίας να συμπληρώσετε τις αγγλικές λέξεις που λείπουν. Στη συνέχεια να κάνετε αυτοδιόρθωση.
γνώμες =
τα παρακάτω ζητήματα =
φροντίζω τα παιδιά =
πολυκατοικία =
διασχίζω έναν δρόμο =
ηλικιωμένος-η-ο =
ψώνια =
κατά μήκος =
δρόμος με πολύ κίνηση =
λεωφόρος =
2. Να κάνετε επανάληψη τις παρακάτω λέξεις για Ορθογραφία.
tiring = κουραστικός-ή-ό
cheap = φτηνός-ή-ό expensive = ακριβός-ή-ό
convenient = άνετος-η-ο (κενβίνιεντ)
use = χρησιμοποιώ
rather than … = παρά…
take the bus = παίρνω το λεωφορείο
the city centre = το κέντρο της πόλης
tomorrow = αύριο
I don’t think = Δε νομίζω
It seems to me that… = Μου φαίνεται ότι….
In my opinion = Κατά τη γνώμη μου
Why don’t you..? = Γιατί δεν…;
How about dancing? = Τι θα έλεγες να χορέψουμε;
Let’s =Ας
Let’s dance! = Ας χορέψουμε!
Let’s dance! = Ας χορέψουμε!
2. Οι απαντήσεις από την άσκηση 4. Παρακαλώ, διορθώστε τα λάθη σας.
α) Yesterday I wrote a letter to my mother.
β) All the family sang our favourite song.
γ) My father built a tree house.
δ) My mother drove me home.
ε) On Sunday we woke up at 9 a.m.
στ) John threw the rubbish into the litter bin.
ζ) I swam a lot last summer.
η) It was very hot and we drank a lot of water yesterday.
4. Synonyms (Συνώνυμα):
Στο τετράδιο Γραμματικής - Ασκήσεων να κάνετε αντιγραφή και να μάθετε τις παρακάτω συνώνυμες λέξεις με τα παραδείγματα τους.
1. Able —– Capable = ικανός- ή -ό
- You must be able to speak French for this job.
- You are capable of better work than this.
2. Active —– Athletic = αθλητικός -ή -ό
- She’s over 80, but is still very active.
- He can play any sport, he’s naturally athletic
3. Alike —– Same = ίδιος - α - ο
- My mother and I are alike in many ways.
- She was born on the same day as me.
4. All —– Every = όλοι -ες - α
- The boys played video games all day.
- I enjoyed every minute of the film.
- The police also found a quantity of ammunition in the flat.
5. Angry —– Mad/ Irritated = θυμωμένος - η -ο
- Her behavior really made me angry.
- He’s always been mad about kids.
- She was getting more and more irritated at his comments.
6. Arrive —– Reach = φτάνω
- They arrived at the airport at 10.30.
- You should reach there around 9.45 a.m.
7. Away —– Absent = απών - ούσα - όν
- There were ten children away yesterday.
- Today, he is absent from work.
8. Awful —– Terrible/ Bad = απαίσιος -α -ο
- The weather last summer was awful.
- That’s a terrible thing to say!
- I’m having a really bad day.
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